Ernest Ògúnyẹmí - Poetry

  “Tabernacle of Longing”

By Ernest Ògúnyẹmí

tabernacle of longing

the music bears me to you country of cowry shells.

house of saxophones, room of dancing shekere. small

ghosts making mimosa in the sax’s lungs, the boy’s

translucent tooth clinking in the agogo, purple dick

in the konga’s chest. an empty snail shell too. I hear the beat

in my chest. long lost lover, yesterday’s dandelion in my hair

do you hear it? wither the willow makes her tent, wither

the golden butterfly. I still love those legs. I want to go on

dreaming— girl with the wolf-rose tattoo dancing

in shaded light, I want to dance with you. again.

I feast on the blood of the wolf. the wolf becomes me

Ernest O. Ògúnyẹmí is a writer and editor from Nigeria. His works have recently appeared/ are forthcoming in AGNI, Joyland, No Tokens, Agbowó, Southern Humanities Review, the Minnesota Review, the McNeese Review, West Trade Review, among other places. He is a staff writer at Open Country Mag.