Jan Price - Visual Art

 “The Glass Between Us”

by Jan Price

“The Glass Between Us”

“The Glass Between Us”

Jan loves entering literary competitions, both in Australia and overseas and enjoys the occasional win.   She was Guest Poet for Paul Grover, Editor of the international journal Studio.  Paul has published many of Jan’s poems, and has accepted several of her artworks for the journal’s covers. She also won the national annual Art Prize in Geelong Victoria Australia, with a painting, titled, Tenderness. Her painting, Raking, was featured on the cover of Literary Wallets, launched in Victoria. Jan sells her paintings at Art Shows. Her poetry has been published in Poetica Christi, Plumwood Mountain, Women’s Work, The Mozzie, (also art covers accepted). As well, Jan has been published in Snapping Twig, Stepping Stones, Time of Singing, (Wind &Water Press; Conneaut Lake, PA), Art work accepted by Brushfire, (University of Nevada, Reno), Underground Writers WA, Metonym Journal California and in Coolabah 23, for the Barcelona University for academic studies of Australian Lit. A painting titled, Mirror Mirror, is now published with Reno and the University of Nevada.  Eastern Iowa Review publishes Jan’s artwork, titled, Protection, online. Studio, Journal (International,) publishes two of Jan’s poems, Search (and) Self-Thinking Drones. International Art of Peace anthology, (Editor Anne McCrady, Tyler, Texas, USA,) also publishes Search.

Jan sells her paintings at art shows. She leaves her poetry in cafes, railway stations and book-exchange locations.  She belongs to three writers clubs and reads her work at Open Readings. Jan studies Thought Distraction in regard to depression. Jan lives in Victoria, Australia.