Jason Visconti - Poetry

 When The Horses Finish

The Oaf

The Pet Poem

By Jason Visconti

When The Horses Finish

As if crescendo paid the earth its musical bill,

And all the orchestra has played this ride,

Instruments traded for instincts upon the rail,

Their strings worked by the hands that steal stampedes,

Yet everything passing through a diamond veil.

The Oaf

The body has walked out on the affair,

All the body’s knickknacks crash through the mantle,

It's the posture of an isolated stanza,

The gesture with a speech of arms that ramble,  

A compass with the forgetfulness of where.

The Pet Poem

This is not the sweetness you asked for,

Not the rendering of a bundle of joy,

For as I smooth my hands across its fur

This page will end in some unanswered void,

I'm sorry to be that writer.

Jason Visconti first discovered his love for poetry after losing his mother at a young age and needing a way to express himself. Decades later, it remains his passion.