Bernard Ferguson
Bernard Ferguson
for the commute
we are speeding / down the onramp / and i see / already on the highway / cars / drowning in the light / of the new day / sliding across the / slippery floors / slanting toward / the same horizon / and the driver of our bus / signals / his slow lean / into the shoreline / and the gold / crashes / against the side / of this machine / spins with the tires / pools at the windows / wraps full circle / around the bus / until we too / are drowning / in sunlight / and now / it is leaking in / through the exit doors / and gathering / at my feet / and the man / across from me / is waist deep / his tie / soaking / his full suit / ruined / a glittering mess / surely he cannot / go to work / like this / man made of / tungsten / and summer / and since / everything / the light touches / is family / we are all comrades now / this whole swaying highway / a full ship / of distant relatives / all drunk / off of morning / a dawn / kissing our sails / awake / our bodies / in full shimmer / a good part / of the city / spoiled by light / useless / and shedding / and brilliant / and i imagine / heaven / to be a place / like this / where / for just a second / at a time / the world is glowing / and painless / and pulling / in one direction / the faces / of our mothers / sinking / slowly / into the sky / and everything beneath / lucky.