Roy Duffield - Poetry
“¡Pasa, pasa!”
By Roy Duffield
Roy Duffield is the art editor at Anti-Heroin Chic. He somehow managed to con a first-class honors degree in creative writing out of Bath Spa University, and has even had the gall to return to the scene of the crime, this time in the skin of lecturer. He was honored to be chosen to perform at the annual Beat Poetry Festival in Barcelona alongside some of the contemporary Spanish performance poets he most admires; he is a winner of the Robert Allen Micropoem Contest, 2021, and his words are known to haunt the likes of Into the Void (Saboteur Best Magazine, 2017 & 2018), The Journal of Wild Culture, Marble Poetry and The Dawntreader (Indigo Dreams, Ted Slade Award for Services to Poetry). Roy only writes when angry, when something in the world needs to change. He writes often.