
How to Get Started Submitting Work to Literary Magazines & Online Journals

If you’re a writer, poet, and anything in between, most likely you have had the inkling to submit your work to a literary magazine or online journal. What stops writers from submitting their work? Well, it could be a couple of things that hold up the process along the way. First, finding a literary magazine or online journal to submit to requires some work and research. The internet has become a hub for everything that we can imagine, all with a stroke of some keys on the keyboard. You have to narrow the search to specify your genre or writing niche.  Tip: Poets and has a tool that filters by genre and sub-genre, all of the literary magazines on the web. Search on Literary Magazines Database. There are numerous tools like this that one can find just by researching.

Another showstopper might be the submission fees that range anywhere from 5 to 50 dollars, in some cases. Again, do not let this stop you from submitting work! There are free submission windows for most literary magazines and online journals. Tip: Most of the time you have to sign up for email notifications, but if you are serious about submitting it is worth it to know when the free submission windows open. According to , there are 25 well known literary magazines that require no reading fee. Click the link below to view some of the literary magazines that offer free submissions:

Remember, don’t get discouraged about reading fees or overwhelmed with where to start submitting your work. We all must start somewhere, be brave, go forth and submit your work into the world!

Author: Jacqlyn Cope

Mount Saint Mary’s MFA in Creative Writing Graduate Student

12 November 2017