
Writing is Re-Writing

Welcome to the inaugural edition of The Rush Magazine!  The Winter 2017 edition features a vibrant, eclectic mix of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and artwork.   

We at The Rush Magazine have been pleasantly inundated with submissions for our first issue.  Reading all the wonderfully varied and thought-provoking submissions prompted great discussions amongst staff on the three biggest stumbling blocks that writers seem to encounter:

Would you prefer to clean out the garage, do your taxes or work on your next chapter?  And do you feel that the stress from a looming deadline inspires you to do your best work, the way intense pressure can create diamonds?

Ah, the perennial question:  where do you get your inspiration?  Daily life, current events, classical works?  Or do your characters/plotlines spring fully formed from some well deep within you? 

Writers seem to fall into one of two camps: constantly tinkering with their words/sentences, never fully satisfied with the result.  Others take the lightning approach: they dash off a few words (usually at the last minute), leaving no room or time for a second or third draft.         

We’d love to hear from you, our readers.  What are your thoughts on any of the above points?   

Keep reading, keep writing.

Question, comments, suggestions?  Contact us at